Monday, March 8, 2010

2010 Food Storage Goals

I look at other food storage blogs most have these great "Yearly Food Storage Goals" post. So, about a month ago, I decided to make some goals for myself. It took some time thinking about it hence the lateness of this post. I think goals are a great way to get something accomplished so I'm hoping this will help me a lot this year!

Lorie's 2010 Food Storage Goals
1. Continue to work on building my 3-month storage
2. Use my food storage more in everyday meals so I can rotate
3. Learn to make things homemade that I would usually buy at the grocery like bagels and English Muffins and other things too.
4. Start a food storage binder with things I have been saving on food storage so everything is in one place
5. Work on gardening again this year, hopefully I will have a better year.
6. Continue to store water by reusuing juice containers

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